


PBIC タマサート大学のタイ研究学士号は、タイで唯一英語による文学士レベルのタイ研究プログラムであり、世界中からの学生に、タイ国内でタイ語を学ぶだけでなく、学部レベルでその国を調べるユニークな機会を提供しています。 自体。 このプログラムは、タイの社会言語学、地理、歴史、宗教的発展、経済発展、ビジネス環境、政治を通じて学生を導き、学生がタイの社会言語学、地理、歴史、宗教発展、経済発展、ビジネス環境、政治について、洗練された実践的で現実世界に適用可能な理解を可能にするレベルまで研究された現代の社会問題や問題に導きます。 王国と東南アジア、アジア太平洋、そして世界の地域におけるその地位。



1) 一般教育コース 30 単位

1.1 Compulsory subjects 1.2 *Choose 2 from 3 Courses 1.3 *Choose 1 Course
  • PD101 Introduction to Area Studies and Its Methodology
  • PD102 Social Science in the 21st Century
  • PD103 Humanities in the Age of Disruption
  • PD104 The Path to Modernity and Globalization
  • TU100 Civic Engagement
  • TU101 Thailand, ASEAN, and the World
  • TU103 Life and Sustainability
  • TU106 Creativity and Communication
  • LAS101 Critical Thinking, Reading, and Writing
  • EL105 English Communication Skills
  • TU108 Self Development and Management
  • EL295 Academic English and Study Skills 1

2) 専門コース 75 単位

2.1 Compulsory Courses

2.1.1 Core course

  • PD201 Research Methods in Social Science
  • PD202 Introduction to the Global Economy
  • PD203 International Organizations and Geopolitics
  • PD204 Great Books; Human Intellectual Development through Key Texts

2.1.2 Thai Studies

  • THS100 Academic Reading and Writing
  • THS101 Power of the Land: Geography of Thailand
  • THS200 Thai History
  • THS201 Society and Culture of Thailand
  • THS202 Thai Sociolinguistics: Languages, Society and Meaning
  • THS203 Thai Politics
  • THS204 Buddhism in Thailand
  • THS300 Economic Development of Thailand
  • THS301 Thai Foreign Policy
  • THS400 Seminars in Thai Studies
2.2 Prescribed Elective Course

2.2.1 Elective Major (Choose 9 Courses)*

  • THS210 Thai Dance and Music
  • THS211 Thai Cuisine
  • THS212 Religions and Philosophies of Thailand: Origins and Contemporary Issues
  • THS213 Thai Traditional Medicine and Massage
  • THS310 Thai Literature
  • THS311 Art, Material Culture and Architecture of Thailand
  • THS312 Gender and Sexuality in Thailand
  • THS313 Anthropology of Thailand: Ethnicity, Margins, Inclusion
  • THS314 Doing Business in Thailand
  • THS401 Media and Entertainment in Thailand: Celebrities, Cinema and Censorship 3
  • THS402 Military, War, and Society in Thailand
  • THS410 Selected Topics in Thai Social and Cultural Issues
  • THS411 Selected Topics in Thai Language, Arts and Literature
  • THS412 Selected Topics in Thai Economy, Politics, and Society
  • THS413 Seminars in the International Relations of Thailand
  • THS414 Seminars in Business in Thailand

2.2.2 Internship / Research Project (Choose 1 course)*

  • THS403 Internship ( 270 Hours)
  • THS404 Research Projec

3) 選択 / 副専攻 18 単位

3.1 Southeast Asian Studies 3.2 Indian Studies 3.3 Thai Language (Interฯ Student Only)*
  • PSE325 Development of Southeast Asia
  • PSE326 Socio-cultural Issues in ASEAN
  • PSE327 Arts and Literature of Southeast Asia
  • PSE328 Conflict and Security in Southeast Asia
  • PSE329 Cultural Diversity, Ethnicity and Identity in Southeast Asia
  • PSE335 Selected Topics in ASEAN Studies
  • PSE336 The Economy of Southeast Asia
  • PSE425 Student Seminars on Current Issues in Southeast Asia
  • IDS345 History of India
  • IDS346 Societies and Cultures of India
  • IDS347 The Economy of India
  • IDS355 Hindi 1
  • IDS356 Hindi 2
  • IDS445 India’s International Relations
  • IDS446 Doing Business in India
  • IDS447 Indian Politics
  • IDS448 Geography of India
  • PDL100 Elementary Thai
  • PDL200 Lower Intermediate Thai
  • PDL300 Upper Intermediate Thai
  • PDL400 Advanced Thai
  • PDL500 Introducing Thai Translation
  • PDL600 Advanced Reading in Thai
  • PDL700 Advanced Writing in Thai
  • PDL800 Thai Through Popular Media

*3.3 : タイ語を第一言語として話さず、副専攻としてタイ語を学びたい留学生は、このグループの全科目を合計 24 単位で修了する必要があります。

3.4 Chinese Studies

3.4.1 Courses Taught in Chinese

  • CHI276 Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature
  • CHI308 Principles of Translation
  • CHI309 Modern Chinese Expressions in Chinese Series
  • CHI405 Modern Chinese Grammar
  • CHI406 Upper Advanced Chinese (HSK6)
  • CHI407 Practical Business Chinese
  • CHI408 Translation and Interpretation
  • CHI409 Critical Readings in Contemporary China
  • CHI415 Chinese Reading in Science and Technology
  • CHI475 The Strange, the Uncanny and the Funny in Classical Chinese Literature
  • CHI488 Seminar in Chinese Studies

3.4.2 Courses Taught in English

  • CHI326 Overseas Chinese Family Businesses in Countries in Southeast Asia
  • CHI327 Foundations of Chinese Thought
  • CHI368 Political Elite in Contemporary China
  • CHI369 Chinese Public Diplomacy and Soft Power
  • CHI375 Media and Entertainment in China
  • CHI376 Chinese Arts and Architecture
  • CHI445 Development of Modern Science and Technology in China
  • CHI465 China in the Global Political Economy

3.4.3 Language Courses

  • CHI105 Elementary Chinese 1
  • CHI106 Elementary Listening and Speaking 1
  • CHI107 Elementary Reading and Writing 1
  • CHI108 Elementary Chinese 2
  • CHI109 Elementary Listening and Speaking 2
  • CHI115 Elementary Reading and Writing 2
  • CHI116 Elementary Chinese 3 (Equivalent to HSK4)
  • CHI117 Elementary Listening and Speaking 3 (Equivalent to HSK4)

*3.4.1 : 学生はこのグループのコースを副コースとしてではなく、選択コースとしてのみ学ぶことができます。

*3.4.3 :  1) HSK4 スコアの結果を取得せずに入学試験を受ける学生は、このグループのすべてのコースを選択科目および自由選択科目として学習する必要があります。
2) HSK4のスコアで受験する生徒はこのグループで科目を勉強することはできません。

4) 無料選択科目 6 単位

TU またはロンドン大学東洋アフリカ研究スクール (SOAS) の国際プログラムで提供されるコース

合計 129 クレジット


Semester 1
Semester 2
  • PD102 Social Science in the 21st Century 
  • TU100 Civic Engagement 
  • TU101 Thailand, ASEAN, and the World 
  • TU103 Life and Sustainability 
  • *EL105 / LAS101 / TU106 
  • *EL105 / LAS101 / TU106 
  • THS100 Academic Reading and Writing 
  • PD101 Intro to Area Studies and Its Methodology
  • PD103 Humanities in the Age of Disruption
  • PD104 The Path to Modernity and Globalization
  • TU108 / EL295
  • THS101 Power of the Land
EL105 English Communication Skills
LAS101 Critical Thinking, Reading, and Writing
TU106 Creativity and Communication
** TU108 Self Development and Management
EL295 Academic English and Study Skills 1


Semester 1
Semester 2
  • PD201 Research Methods in Social Science
  • PD204 Great Books
  • THS200 Thai History
  • THS201 Society and Culture of Thailand
  • THSxxx Elective Major
  • THSxxx Elective Major
  • PD202 Introduction to the Global Economy
  • PD203 International Org. and Geopolitics
  • THS202 Thai Sociolinguistics
  • THS203 Thai Politics
  • THS204 Buddhism in Thailand
  • THSxxx Elective Major


Semester 1
Semester 2
  • THS300 Economic Development of Thailand
  • THSxxx Elective Major
  • THSxxx Elective Major
  • THSxxx Elective Major
  • THSxxx Elective Major
  • Elective/Minor
  • THS301 Thai Foreign Policy
  • THSxxx Elective Major
  • Elective/Minor
  • Elective/Minor
  • Elective/Minor
  • Free Elective


Semester 1
Semester 2
  • THS400 Seminars in Thai Studies
  • THSxxx Elective Major
  • Elective/Minor
  • Elective/Minor
  • Free Elective
  • THSxxx Internship / ResearchProject


Semester 1
Semester 2
  • PD102 Social Science in the 21st Century 
  • TU100 Civic Engagement 
  • TU101 Thailand, ASEAN, and the World 
  • TU103 Life and Sustainability 
  • *EL105 / LAS101 / TU106 
  • *EL105 / LAS101 / TU106 
  • THS100 Academic Reading and Writing 
  • PD101 Intro to Area Studies and Its Methodology
  • PD103 Humanities in the Age of Disruption
  • PD104 The Path to Modernity and Globalization
  • TU108 / EL295
  • THS101 Power of the Land
EL105 English Communication Skills
LAS101 Critical Thinking, Reading, and Writing
TU106 Creativity and Communication
** TU108 Self Development and Management
EL295 Academic English and Study Skills 1


Semester 1
Semester 2
  • PD201 Research Methods in Social Science
  • PD204 Great Books
  • THS200 Thai History
  • THS201 Society and Culture of Thailand
  • THSxxx Elective Major
  • THSxxx Elective Major
  • PD202 Introduction to the Global Economy
  • PD203 International Org. and Geopolitics
  • THS202 Thai Sociolinguistics
  • THS203 Thai Politics
  • THS204 Buddhism in Thailand
  • THSxxx Elective Major


Semester 1
Semester 2
  • Course of SOAS
  • Course of SOAS
  • Course of SOAS
  • Course of SOAS
  • Course of SOAS
  • Course of SOAS
  • Course of SOAS
  • Course of SOAS
  • Course of SOAS
  • Course of SOAS
  • Course of SOAS
  • Course of SOAS


Semester 1
Semester 2
  • Course of SOAS
  • Course of SOAS
  • Course of SOAS
  • Course of SOAS
  • Course of SOAS
  • Course of SOAS
  • Course of SOAS